Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Similarities Between Heart Of Darkness And Apocalypse Now

The Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, illustrates one’s voyage on the Congo River, into the heart of darkness of Africa, told by the narrator Charles Marlow. Similar to the novel, Apocalypse Now focuses on a captain in the Vietnam War ordered to assassinate a colonel, named Kurtz. Each of these works convey an important time in American history, highlighting the era of imperialism and that of the Vietnam War. Overall, Apocalypse Now can be seen as a direct parallel to Heart of Darkness, shown through similarities in characters, such as Marlow and Kurtz, the general plot line, and in the themes of power and madness. In order to compare the novel, Heart of Darkness, to that of Apocalypse Now, one needs identify the similarities in†¦show more content†¦From the beginning of the movie, Willard explains the darkness overwhelming the split nation of Vietnam, and just like Willard, Marlow tells of the same thing, addressing the darkness louring over Africa. Each of these man, while travelling through the unknown, begin to recognize the differences in civilization between the area that they are exploring and their home nation. Another essential character found in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now includes a man named Kurtz. In the novel, Kurtz is in charge of an ivory station in the heart of Africa, being one of the most successful ivory traders for his company. In the movie, Kurtz is a West Point graduate who went through the ranks of military fairly quickly, landing him the title of Colonel. As one of his missions, Colonel Kurtz was ordered to create a native army, in which he successfully completes. Both of these men come to be worshipped by the natives of the areas they overtake. They lead their groups to achieve goals relevant to the plot line. For Kurtz, in the novel, he allows the native population to become his workers, working at the station to hunt ivory. In the movie, Apocalypse Now, Kurtz uses the native population he acquires as a stand-alone army in that of the Vietnam War. Due to the commitment the men make, they become to be portrayed as insane, being put off as madmen by commanding offi cers of each of the companies they work for. Although their deaths occurShow MoreRelatedSimilarities And Differences Between Heart Of Darkness And Apocalypse Now1023 Words   |  5 PagesThe film Apocalypse Now and the novel Heart of Darkness share many similarities including small details, characters, and themes. Both are told from the same type of narrative and have similar settings. There are small differences as well, including the main character’s purpose and how one of the characters dies. The novel is the story of a trip into Africa, which a character is overhearing the retelling of the journey. 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